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While i have concerns that i may cease to become

This poem falls into two major thought groups:

*Keats expresses his fear of perishing young inside the first believed unit, lines 1-12. This individual fears that he will not fulfill himself as a writer (lines 1-8) and that he will forfeit his beloved (lines 9-12).

*Keats resolves his worries by asserting the unimportance of love and fame in the concluding two and a half lines of this sonnet.

The initial quatrain (four lines) emphasizes both how fertile his imagination is definitely and how much he must express; consequently the symbolism of the pick, e.

g., “glean’d,  “garners,  “full ripen’d feed.  Subtly reinforcing this idea is definitely the alliteration of the key words “glean’d,  garners,  and “grain,  as well as the repeating of 3rd there’s r sounds in “charactery,  “rich,  “garners, ripen’d,  and “grain. . A harvest is, naturally, fulfillment with time, the culmination which brings a valued product, while reflected in the grain getting “full ripen’d.  Large quantity is also evident in the adjectives “high-piled and “rich.

 The harvest metaphor contains a paradox (paradox is a characteristic of Keats’s poems and thought): Keats can be both the field of materials (his creativity is like the grain being harvested) and he is the harvester (writer of poetry).

Over the following quatrain (lines 5-8), this individual sees the earth as packed with material he could transform into poetry (his is definitely “the magic hand)”the natural beauty of mother nature (“night’s starr’d face) plus the larger meanings he interprets beneath the physical appearance of character or physical phenomena (“Huge cloudy symbols).

Inside the third complainte (lines 9-12), he converts to take pleasure in. As the “fair beast of an hour,  his beloved is usually short-lived just as, by implication, love is definitely. The ép?tre itself parallels the idea of short amount of time, in becoming only three and a half lines, rather than the usual four lines of a Shakespearean sonnet; the result in studying is of a small speeding-up of your time. Is like as important as, fewer important than, or essential as beautifully constructed wording for Keats in this poem? Does the reality he devotes fewer lines to love than to poetry suggest anything about their very own relative importance to him?

The poet’s concern with time (not sufficient time to fulfill his poetic present and love) is supported by the repeating of “when at the beginning of each quatrain through the reducing of the third quatrain. Keats attributes two qualities to love: (1) it has the ability to transform the earth for the lovers (“faery power), but of course fairies are generally not real, and their enchantments invariably is an illusion and (2) appreciate involves us with feelings rather than thought (“I feel and “unreflecting love).

Highlighting upon his feelings, that this act of writing this kind of sonnet offers involved, Keats achieves some distancing from his personal feelings and ordinary your life, so they can reach an answer. He thinks about the human solitariness (“I stand alone) and human insignificance (the acted contrast betwen his solitary self and “the wide world). The shore is known as a point of contact, the threshold between two realms or circumstances, land and sea; so Keats is usually crossing a threshold, from his desire for fame and love to receiving their unimportance and ceasing to fear and yearn.


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Published: 04.29.20

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